EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL: Made from the cold pressing of the finest olives, this oil features a well-balanced, rich taste that's fresh and fragrant with subtle notes of olive150 YEARS OF DEDICATION: Filippo Berio dedicated his life to crafting the most exquisite olive oil and each bottle bears his signature, a guarantee that it lives up to his very high standardsSUGGESTED USES: Great for salad dressings, sauces and gravies, for drizzling over pasta, fruits or sandwiches, or marinating, roasting or sautéing meats, fish and vegetablesCHARACTERISTICS: Contain important nutrients, with good unsaturated fats and antioxidants, and FREE FROM gluten, GMOs, sugar and sodium. Kosher CertifiedPROVEN HIGH QUALITY: Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil meets or exceeds the International Olive Council's high standards for quality and authenticity, qualifying for the North American Olive Oil Association (NAOOA) Quality Seal