MULTI-USE AXE: Sharp blade wood splitting axe or gardening axe that is an ideal wood chopper designed for firewood, yard work, and lawn cleanup, with maximum efficiency for more one-strike splits; Perfect for medium to large size logsMAXIMUM POWER AND PRECISION: Advanced bevel convex blade geometry adds power and makes the blade easier to remove from woodEFFICIENT AND COMFORTABLE USE: Perfected balance and power-to-weight ratio increases swing speed of the wood splitting maul to multiply power, much like an aluminum baseball batQUALITY TOOLS: Splitting maul with shock-absorbing FiberComp handle is lightweight yet stronger than steel to prevent overstrike damage; Designed to help you embrace the outdoors, Fiskars axes and hatchets are equipped with smart technologiesINCLUDES: One 28-Inch Fiskars X25 splitting axe with protective sheath; Backed by a lifetime warranty